Pain is Difficult. Start Today and Wynn Over Your Pain.

Wynn Over Pain

Dr. Brenton D. Wynn, Medical Director of Wynn Over Pain is here to tell you about their individualized compassionate treatment team and successful therapeutic interventions.

Dr. Brenton D. Wynn is a board-certified specialist in both Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Pain Medicine. He’s a local San Diegan who has had the privilege of training throughout the country. 

Here at Wynn Over Pain, we look at each patient individually. Our goal is to provide outstanding quality, compassionate, and safe care in a personalized manner for each of our patients.

We know that pain is difficult. Suffering from agonizing low back pain, pounding neck pain, throbbing headaches, or any pain drastically affects your quality of life. Pain is more than a physical sensation. Pain is exhausting, frustrating, limiting, and debilitating. But there is good news: You don’t have to live in chronic daily pain.

Learn more today by visiting our website

Source: Wynn Over Pain